Saturday, August 27, 2011


No one understands this feeling,
No one is honest in front of me,
I like living in colonial 
I don't have independence in me, 
I'm not happy at home,
Why are you better listen to the words of others? 
I know who they were better than you .. 
I know the pros and cons of them compared to you .. 
You thought they were good? 
No way!!!!!
Now you forbid i be friends with him?
You really don't know who the man ...
He always help me if i'm in distress.
He sent me to college.
He give me money,even though he was a shortage of funds.
He places i turn to all the problems i face.
He never taught me bad things ..
He was not the cause..
Never blame others if your daughter changes..
blame yourself....!!!!!! 
Why is no one who understands us,
My friends don't like him too,
And now my mother don't like him too, 
You don't know who this man for a sincere love for me!!!!
I never found a very honest man like him ..
Even he don't have cute face, but he has an honest heart
But he has sencerity to have me,
He wants to change for me,now............. 
He always prayer friday, He is hardworking,  
He could not dissipate as before,
because he knows i want a serious man and secure in their careers
so if the marriage has no financial problems ..
i'm happy with him .. please understand my feeling.. 
This my life, i bear all the consequences............

i wish..i can make u happy always..amin....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011


    Good night n sleep tite darling...2.46am..dah masuk sunday lerr..
aku tak bobok lagi..sebab sebok dengar lagu sweet22..adess!!
tak tau nape beberap hari ni mood nak jiwang macam 
org first time bercinta...puuiihh!!.
mencii mak taww...
ok..baca la pe aku writing nie...
x nak pun tak pe..never mind....

Lyin' here with you
so close to me,
It's hard to fights these feelings,
When it feels so hard to breathe,
Cought up in this moment,
Cought up in your smile,

I've never opened 
up to anyone,
So hard to hold back
When i'm holding
you in my arms,
But we don't need to rush this,
Let just take it slow,
Just a kiss
on your lips 
in the moonlight,

Just a touch of the fire
burnin' so bright,
No i don't wanna mess this thing up,
No i don't wanna push too far,

Just a shot in the dark,
that you just might,
Be the one i've been waiting for my whole life,
So,baby i'm alright....
With just a kiss good night...

I know that if we give 
this a little time,
It'll only bring us closer to the love
we wanna find,
It's never felt so real,
No it's never felt so right,

Just a kiss
on your lips
in the moonlight,
Just a touch of the fire burnin' so bright,
No i don't wanna mess this thing up,
I don't wanna push too far,

Just a shot in the dark,
that you just might,
Be the one i've been waitin' for my whole life,
So,baby i'm alright....
With just a kiss good night...
No i don't wanna say goodnight,
I know its time to leave,
But you'll be in my dreams,

gambar ini tiada unsur sexs,please jangan nak report spams or whatever..
aku suka gambar2 romantic mcm namanya seni dalam gambar..
please open minded ckit..bezakan mana pic romantic yg MENJENGKELKAN n yg really sweet...
kan dah bebel2 kat cnie...
k chowww..!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

owhh..i love on9 shop!!// shopping di on9 shop.

Assalamualaikum and good evening...hehe..
sopannye anak ibu..lalala..
hye darling2!!..hari ini pukul 11.59am jumaat yang indah
saya sebok melawat pelbagai on9 shop di FB and blog..
adduuuii...owh my gosshh!!..kan dah datang dengan sangat macam gila!!..
hobi shopping aku yang sampaiibu aku pun naik menyampah
tengok aku kalau dah shopping.....
tak ingat nak mam,,tak ingat sebelah aku ada orang lain..ayah aku lerr...
ayah jadi bodyguard je kalau hang out dengan anak bininye..hehehe
sorry ayah.....lalalala

Yang hendak diperkatakan disimi adalah.....................................


.......tengah gila......

........on9 shop..........

macam mana nie....macam-macam tadi aku nampak taww..
maxi dress yang superrbbb gergOus...
maxi skirt yang sangat pretty.....
blouse yang comel-comel.....
aarrhh!!!!..banyak la.....
nak beli...
aku nak tuuu..nak tuuu..nak niee....nak yang tu jgak....nak semua laa...
pilih punya pilih...tengok punye tengok...
aku list semua...........
nak tau berapa total.........
RM300......lebih ok....ehhh nie kira ok taw 3***
sebelum ni pernah sampai 7** untuk seorang student macam aku...
lain la kalau aku seorang yang dah bekerjaya....sampai 1**** pun tak kisah...
haaaa..yeke??...layan je la...

tengok tu,aku dah siap list on9 shop yang mesti aku tengok......everyday ok......
untuk kali nie punya shopping mesti complete and kunci kira0kira pun msti dibuat
dengan sangat teliti dan berhati-hati....
kalau aku tak buat kunci-kira,aku tak tau mana duit tu dibuang.....betul tak???

 auuww!!...its cool laaa.boleh aku bawak gie dating nanti...

tak mohh risau la mummy..duit akan keluar dulu untuk
yang most important......
nak tanya laaaa...u all kat luar tuuu suka on9 shop ke butik kat shopping complex??
ke dua2 u all layan??
kalau aku la....untuk sekarang aku suka on9 shop.....

1.tak buat aku penat.....tak perlu la aku nak berjalan sana sini,
tak buat penat aku..itu paling penting yeaa ibu22.....
keluar masuk butik nak cari yang paling murah dan yang paling sesuai untuk aku.

2.Senang nak tengok & banyak pilihan......di kedai or butik biasa bukan 
tak banyak pilihan...tetapi kalau kat on9 shop lebih senang u all nak memerhatikan...
owner on9 shop tu akan pastikan gambar pakaian yang dijual
adalah BETUL dan JELAS dari hujung rambut sampai kaki.....
so,u all tak mohh risau la.... easy laaaa......macam man aku cakap tak senang.
aku pilih mana satu aku nak.
aku tanya stock ada lagi tak..
aku isi form...
aku bank in duit..
aku inform owner aku dah bank in..
and done!!.....
kan senang..............lalalalala.......

hanya untuk tatapan awam yeaa...but its cool la this design......
gambar ni tak de kne mngena dengan entry kali nie yea darling2...


sebab tu la u all kene pandai plih on9 shop and pastikan on9 shop tu benar2 wujud
dan bukan halimunan....
Kalau aku senang je,aku tengok butir-butir penting berikut........

a)nama on9 shop or the blog
b)alamat owner tu kat mana
c)berapa ramai customernye..u all tengok berapa ramai yang comment dah tau ramai mana
yang minat dengan on9 shop nye..
d)kalau dah tanya tentang pakaian mana yang u all nak beli.
yang paling penting..minta la.....

*no phone owner
*no account owner
*email owner....

so easy kan......tetapi tu semua depends on you la nak percaya ke tak kan.
even aku dah pe pot pe poottttt kat sini u all tak percaya gakk..
its up to you la darling.....
yang penting on9 shop tak memenatkan aku..heheheh..sukaaaaa!!!!..

And one more thing,u all kalau dah beli confirmkan betul22..
*bagi alamat yang betul
*item22 nak beli kena betul
*bagi ref no kalau dah bank in payment
*bagi time and date payment
*total payment....

so,nanti u all juga yang happy kan....
jommm la ramai-ramai beli kat on9 shop..hehehe....
yang paling penting bijak membeli dan bijak memilih....
untuk pengetahuan anda semua dahulu aku bukan la jenis percaya on9 shop,
tetapi setelah merasa sendiri.ia sangat la berbaloi....baloi...baloi....baloii....... 

"hye,my name is girl is AISY ROSE...
and salam ramadhan for all especially the girl..."
he so cool..........auuww..

pesanan ini dibawa oleh AISY ROSE..mEkaceh.....
salam ramadhan......